EMBOR's Mission
The East Metro Board of REALTORS® is a professional association entrusted to serve as an advocate for its members and community.
EMBOR's Vision
The vision of the East Metro Board of REALTORS® is to promote REALTOR® involvement through:
- Education and Leadership Training
- Upholding Professional and Ethical Standards
- Ensuring Private Property Rights
- Enhancing the integrity of our industry
Thank you for choosing the East Metro Board of REALTORS® as your Board of Choice. Your EMBOR membership is a valuable tool in the real estate industry. As a REALTOR®, you belong to the most knowledgeable and trustworthy group of professionals the industry has to offer. Wear your REALTOR® pin with pride!
The East Metro Board of REALTORS® keeps you up to date on laws, regulations, upcoming continuing education courses, events and industry related information affecting the real estate professional through our e-mails and monthly updates to our website.
The East Metro Board of REALTORS® enforces NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® CODE of ETHICS in accordance with the guidelines of the 'Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual'. The 'Code of Ethics' course, providing 3 hours of continuing education credit, is offered annually each November, as an EMBOR member benefit, to fulfill your NAR membership requirement. It is the goal of EMBOR to enhance the opportunity of our members to provide cooperative, professional, and ethical real estate services to the community while achieving their business objectives.
We encourage and invite your participation in the East Metro Board of REALTORS®.
NAR's Three-Way Agreement

The term “Three-way Agreement” refers to the structure of the REALTOR® organization. This agreement was established among the National Association, the state associations, and local boards and associations. With this agreement, the National Association grants each association and board the right to control the terms “REALTOR®” and “REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®” within its territorial jurisdiction. It also permits associations and boards to allow individuals who are qualified for membership to use the terms REALTOR® and REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®. In turn, the state associations and local boards and associations agree to:
- accept the charge of properly granting and regulating the use of the terms “REALTOR®” and “REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®”
- subscribe to the Code of Ethics of the National Association
- uphold and enforce the Code of Ethics within the board’s/association’s jurisdiction

Around the R in Newton and Rockdale

*Quarterly give back program. Members made monetary donations to certain entities in Newton and Rockdale Counties (2022)
*Collected diaper donations for Project Renewal (April 2021)
*Leadership Class Community Service Day - Cleaning Pine Log Park (May 2021)
*Sponsored The Four Weeks of Giving Challenge. Members donate to local Food Banks (December 2020, October 2023)
*Provided snacks to First Responders in Newton & Rockdale County during the pandemic (2020)
*Provided financial support to the Rockdale Emergency Relief Fund. (November 2017 & 2019)
* Awarded $500 scholarships to graduating Seniors (recipients were a REALTOR® family member -May 2015, May 2016, May 2017, May 2018 May 2019, May 2020, May 2021, May 2022, May 2023, May 2024)
* Publishing monthly articles in the local newspapers: “Why use a REALTOR®?” “ABC’s of choosing a REALTOR®”, and/or Housing Statistics. Online “Look for the R” when Buying or Selling Banner (Ongoing)
*Collected school supplies for Newton & Rockdale County (July 2016, August 2017 ,2018, 2019)
*Applied for a Grant and Awarded to help purchase benches for the City of Conyers Walking Trail (September 2017)
* Financially supported the humane removal of geese from Ashton Hills Golf Course (May 2016)
* Pounding for Paws 5k Run/Dash for Dogs~ Fundraiser for Rockdale & Newton County Animal Control (June 2015 & April 2016, June 2017, August 2018)
* Applied for a Grant and was awarded the grant which funded a kiosk for Newton Trails (Awarded Grant in 2015, finished project in March 2016)
* Awarded Grant to help fund benches for Rockdale Trails (September 2016)
* Handed out “Look for the R” fans on the Covington Square during May & September (2015) concerts
* Collected supplies for Christmas Boxes to send to deployed military (November 2015)
* Collected pencils for Pencils from Pete (2015)
* Collected supplies for the Newton County Pregnancy Resource Center opening (2015)